
African Genome Variation Database

The aim of the project is to create an African Genome Variation Database (AGVD) that will provide searching and visualisation capabilities for African genetic data. A public version will contain only publicly available data and potentially aggregate summaries for restricted access data. If required, an internal version will include more detailed de-identified genotype data for consortium use.

The Sudanese Genetics Variation Portal

The Sudanese Genetic Variation Archive is the first comprehensive resource for medical and population genetics in Sudan. It catalogs more than 4 million genetic variants including single nucleotide variants (SNPs) and small insertions and deletions (INDELs) from more than 300 Sudanese individuals. It is the first project to calculate the local Sudanese allele frequencies for common and rare variants including many novel variants that had not been previously reported in other populations.

Simplifying Genomic Annotations in R

In this blog post I will be introducing cellbaseR R package, which makes use of the exhaustive RESTful Web service API that has been implemented for the Cellabase database. It enable researchers to query and obtain a wealth of biological information from a single database saving a lot of time. Another benefit is that researchers can easily make queries about different biological topics and link all this information together as all information is integrated